Day 1 – A new June

On Saturday during a quick Twitter check, I saw the post from @libsmatter reminding us all it was almost #blogjune time again. I have always enjoyed #blogjune, but mostly from the sidelines  by commenting on others posts. I managed to complete #blogjune only once in 2016. With my only other attempt in 2014 I managed 20 posts.

Now with 2020 in such an unusual state of existence it seems like a good time to attempt #blogjune once again.

I can’t guarantee I will write much every day, maybe I will just post a photo or two. But I am certainly going to try.

My poor neglected website and blog deserves more attention than I have given it in the past. Every year when renewing my hosting fees I have a brief thought of ‘why do I bother’ but then another thought pops into my head of ‘yes you should keep it going’ and ‘you are going to give it an update one day’.

Maybe #blogjune is the impetus I need to do the revamp I want to do to my website. Stay tuned to find out.


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