It is Friday night and despite being extremely tired I am trying to come up with an intelligible blog post so I thought I would do a wrap up of the week that was.
- Monday was a public holiday so I got another day with Miss A and Mr A (who has every Monday off).
- We spent the morning at an indoor play centre with Miss A’s cousins and a friend. Miss A had a ball.
- I ate the most delicious but fattening wedges with diced bacon, melted cheese, sweet chilli sauce, shallots and sour cream.
- Tuesday was a work day and a fairly quiet one at that. Spent lunchtime searching the shops for a small hula hoop.
- Wednesday at work was even more quiet than Tuesday so I wrote my Development is an amazing thing post at work (shh don’t tell anyone). Also a colleague had a day off so I did some of her daily duties as well which helped fill in the day.
- Thursday afternoon consisted of a meeting at work that was very productive and beneficial and saw the end of one era and the beginning of another (can’t say anymore on that just yet).
- Made a comment on one of Freya North’s Facebook statuses which she replied to and I posted her the link to my Only Freya post (mini fan moment there).
- Watched Call the Midwife which made me cry (as it sometimes does).
- Friday is my day at home with Miss A. Spent the morning at the gym for a personal training session, shopping and a coffee and babychino treat for me and Miss A.
- This afternoon was a play date for Miss A with a friend and her son from mother’s group (this has just provided me with an idea for a future post).
So you can see I live such a rather uneventful and mundane life.
Tomorrow marks the start of the birthday party season for Miss A. 6 birthday parties (at this stage, possibly more) in 4 weeks including her own. Let the fun begin.