I thought I would do another What I did today posts to contrast today, with last Saturday, as they were totally different. So far it is 6.48pm and I have only done 3712 steps. So what I have done today.…
Day 11 Blog June – What I did today
It is 8pm and I feel like I have only just stopped for the day. My fitbit stats reflect this as I have done 18,699 steps so far and have done 9 hours with more than 250 steps per hour.…
Weekly wrap up
It is Friday night and despite being extremely tired I am trying to come up with an intelligible blog post so I thought I would do a wrap up of the week that was. Monday was a public holiday so…
On the fifth day of Christmas
On the fifth day of Christmas I shopped. It wasn’t a long shop, just a few hours. I had a mission. And I achieved it, surprisingly. I needed new shorts. I have plenty of daggy, around the house shorts, but…