On the ninth day of Christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas I had a headache and went to bed early to read a magazine so this is a catch up post.

Whilst in bed I read a tweet from a friend who said that she felt like she was behind already and its only 2 January. This summed up what I have been feeling for the last few days.

I have all of these vague plans for 2014 and beyond in my head but I need time to think them through properly, document them (I love making lists) and make SMART goals to achieve them. Only then I feel I can start to act on these vague plans.

However, at the moment I am not finding the right time, or inclination to do the planning I want to do. I feel I need to dedicate a great chunk of time, in a quiet and cool place to do my planning. This is more difficult than I thought due to a loving, but very active and extremely inquisitive toddler. I can’t sit and read anything for more than a few minutes while Miss A is playing before she wants to read what I am reading. I can’t use my laptop either as she wants to sit on my lap and see what I’m doing, well more realistically push the keys. Mr A is great and spends more than is fair share of time with Miss A (she is a daddy’s girl after all) but then I feel guilty about not playing with her. She does go to bed early so I can do stuff  after dinner. This is when I have been blogging. Maybe when the blog12daysxmas is finished I will start my planning.

Okay that was more whingey than I planned. Anyway so the upshot is, I have plans and goals for 2014 I just need time to nut them out and when I have I will blog about them.